With help from our experts, you can slow down, breathe, and relax for few minutes.
Ambient audio of ocean waves for gentle relaxation, meditation, sleep or home spa practices. Close your eyes and be on a beach anywhere in the world,
We present the amazing sound bowl therapist, Sara Auster. You’ll feel a deep sense of peace and relaxation with Sara as your guide. (18-minutes)
Learn Stillness. Feel grounded with less worry by focusing on the present moment’s reality. This six-minute meditation will help you regulate your emotions.
Waking up happy is all about doing practices that improve wellbeing. This guided bedtime meditation is intended to help you easily drift off to sleep. Don’t worry about how long it takes - just relax into it.
An 11-minute Body Scan is guided by Paul Overman, PHD. Do this to understand where your discomfort resides and work to relax the body. Visualize instructions as Paul guides you through healing support
A beautiful loving kindness meditation sends self-kindness to your soul and loving kindness to others, even when life gets a little messy - there’s always time for you to put love into the universe.
Take a break a four-minute break to unwind with a deep breathing exercise to train the brain to copy with everyday challenges. Relax and let the guide blissfully help your through this beautiful break.